2018 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Dr Robert Goldman

2018 Lifetime Achievement Award Winner Dr Robert Goldman
Arnold Sports Festival You Tube Page


Dr. Robert Goldman MD, PhD DO, FAASP
Personal Website of Anti aging & Sports Medicine Pionee


Published on Mar 5, 2018

ASF TV is the Official Channel of the Arnold Sports Festival. ASF TV: Your sports, health and fitness network. * ASF TV to feature the promotional, historical and sponsored training videos that highlight and promote the Arnold Sports Festival, the world’s largest multi-sport festival. * A source for training, education, and motivation. * Episodes featuring athletes, competitors, trainers, coaches, instructors, health club and gym owners. * Providing advice, tips, workouts. To inspire you to hit the gym, lift those weights, live strong. Achieve your absolute very best; in sport, health and fitness. * ASF TV opportunities – promote your brand, company, product or service. While sharing your passion and knowledge to inspire others to perform at their optimal levels of sport, health and fitness. * Discover the Personal Greatness that lies within YOU! Whether your goal is to be in the best shape of your life or to walk the world stage of the Arnold Sports Festival. Tune in and Subscribe to ASF TV.