It’s Time To Compete!
Start Building Your Competitive Legacy In the National Physique Committee – Frank Sepe
Start Building Your Competitive Legacy In the National Physique Committee – Frank Sepe
The National Physique Committee is bigger than ever. The premier amateur physique organization in the world has never had more competitors, contests and exposure! NPC News online.com, NPC News TV.com and NPC Fit Body.com have created a huge buzz in the fitness industry by providing full contest and athlete coverage of National Physique Committee and IFBB Pro League contests. Plus, social media is booming! Thousands of NPC and IFBB Pro League competitors are posting photos and videos of their contest journeys to the tune of millions of daily views. All of this content has motivated and driven people of all ages and physique levels to step on stage. So, how do you get started? Here are 8 Steps to Follow to get started on your competitive journey. Remember you start building your competitive legacy in the National Physique Committee. Here are the steps you need to take.
- Choose a Division: Go to staging.NPCNEWSONLINE.com. and take a look at the contest galleries so you can determine what division your physique is best suited for Basically you want to achieve the same level of muscularity and condition as the competitors in that division Go here to see all contest galleries. http://staging-contests.staging.npcnewsonline.com/
- Choose a Contest: There are hundreds of NPC contests to choose from. Pick one that makes geographic sense. It is nice to have all your friends and family at the event to root you on. You can find the NPC schedule here http://staging.npcnewsonline.com/schedules/list/
- Join the NPC: Once you make up your mind to compete you are going to have to purchase an NPC card. Purchase an NPC Card here http://staging.npcnewsonline.com/join-the-npc/
- Register for The Contest: Once you choose a contest to compete in, you will have to register. Go to the official website of the contest you have chosen and sign up for the division or divisions you want to compete in.
- Know the Rules: Whatever division you choose to compete in will have rules and regulations to follow including what to wear on stage. You can find the rules here http://staging.npcnewsonline.com/rules/
- Start Your Contest Prep. You can choose to put together your own diet and nutrition program or hire a prep coach. There are numerous coaching companies and NPC/ IFBB athletes who provide this service. Make sure you do your research before hiring anyone.
- Learn how to pose: You can hire a posing coach or teach yourself. If you choose to teach yourself, go to the NPC News Online You Tube page. There are numerous “How to pose videos” for every division from the best IFBB pro’s and official judges. Just remember posing and presentation is an extremely important part of competing. https://www.youtube.com/user/NPCNewsOnline
- Time to Compete: You worked hard for this day so try and enjoy it. Your contest photos from the contest will be featured on staging.NPCNEWSONLINE.com so that you can share your accomplishments on social media with all your family and friends. Plus, you can share the pics with an official judge and have him or her critique your physique so that you can bring the best overall package on stage in the future. Best of Luck!