Today’s NPC Athlete Spotlight is of Jason Sensi

Division: NPC Men’s Physique

12unnamed Age: 28

Height: 5’7”

Contest History:

2013 NPC Pittsburgh Championships – 3rd Place, Class A

2013 NPC Lehigh Valley Championships – 2nd Place, Class A

2013 Team Universe – NP

I wasn’t sure I had it in me to make the commitment of getting on stage again.  After competing in an amateur bodybuilding show at the age of 20, I spent the next 6 years competing in power lifting through various organizations, and even frequently traveled with my Power Gym team to local prisons to compete against the inmates (and you thought you were badass!).  However, it wasn’t until the 2012 Europa Show of Champions in Orlando, Florida, did I regain the itch to step back on stage.  I was there competing in the national-level power lifting meet, but I also had the opportunity to watch my friend, Eddie Baird, compete in his IFBB Pro debut in the Men’s Physique division.  After watching him on stage, I knew I wanted to try my hand at this new division.  Later that year, I asked Eddie if he thought I was too bulky for the Men’s Physique division.  His response sealed the deal for me: “Right now, yes.  But dieted down, I think you’ll be very competitive in this division.  If you want to do it, I’ll work your diet for you.”  I had a coach, and my prep for Pittsburgh began the following day.

13unnamedStepping on stage in Pittsburgh for the first time as a Men’s Physique athlete was one of the most overwhelmingly satisfying feelings of my life.  Though I was only at the center of the stage for what was likely 10 seconds, it felt as if time stopped.  Regardless of the callouts or placing, I had already won, and I knew then that I was hooked.  Fortunately, the cards fell in my favor and I was able to walk away with a third place trophy.  I went on to compete twice more that year, including a national-level show at Team Universe, before calling it a season and committing to improvement.  2014 will be focused on earning a spot within the IFBB, and that journey begins in Charleston, SC at the Junior USA’s!

It is truly an honor for me to compete in the NPC, for nowhere else would I be able to constantly push my limits by going up against the best in the game.  Aside from the personal glory of competing, I’ve been fortunate to have met so many amazing people at the shows I’ve attended.  From offering rice cakes and peanut butter to those who have forgotten their own, to having strangers help me with fixing blotches on my tan, the NPC really becomes a sort of family.  Everyone is there to compete with intentions to win, but I’ve yet to see anyone unwilling to help another backstage.  The relationships are what really make competing in the NPC fulfilling.  Being able to keep in touch and follow others’ progress is, to me, one of the best forms of motivation.  Having had success in the NPC is also one of the driving factors for me to continue living a healthy, fit lifestyle, for it is proof that we as humans can accomplish any feat we desire as long as we’re willing to put in the work for it.  I think one of the most important things we can do is to constantly push ourselves.  Otherwise, we’ll never know what we’re truly capable of.  Is it easy?  No.  Is it worth it? Absolutely.

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