Thank You To NPC Competitors & Fans.

NPC News Online is constantly updating the website to make it a great place for NPC Competitors and NPC fans to visit . In the past 8 months we have made incredible strides. The traffic on our site has more than tripled and our daily page views and ad impressions have gone through the roof.  This is only the beginning for NPC News Online, we have even bigger plans for the future of the site. We are not focusing on competing with other Bodybuilding, Fitness or Contest  websites -because quite frankly they are helping too promote the NPC and IFBB. The only competitions we are interested in are the ones that happen on the NPC  stage.  There is only one NPC and we are the #1 Amateur Competitive Physique Federation in the world and we are focused on making the best possible site for our competitors.  We are very pleased  to announce  that there will be many changes and upgrades coming to the site and we would like to thank everyone who has visited and continues to visit the site on a daily basis. We would also like to thank every one who has contributed content to the NPC site. This weekend and all next week we will have  content from the  2014 NPC /IFBB Pittsburgh Championships which will include exclusive photos and videos from the #1 Photographer (Official NPC Photographer) in the business  J.M. Manion. Thank you..-   Frank Sepe (NPC NEWS ONLINE EDITOR -IN-CHIEF)
