Today’s NPC Athlete Spotlight is Allison Scherer NPC Bikini Competitor.

My name is Allison Scherer and I am 23 years old. I competed in my first show in the Bikini Division, Class B, just recently at the NPC NATURAL NORTHERN USA on October 5, 2013. It was one unforgettable and breathe-taking experience. If you are aspiring to compete one day, DO IT. I started my weight loss journey just 8 months ago on February 3 where I had no direction or fitness goals in mind. But that day I realized it was time for a change. I recently graduated college and finished playing 4 years of college softball not sure what was next for me. So I decided to do something for myself. I started my journey to just lose weight and feel better about myself, but as I saw results from eating clean and consistent workouts it gave me the motivation to one day compete. I competed to step on stage to show the world that in just 8 months you can do anything you put your mind, heart and soul into. I aspire to compete in my first national show in the spring of 2014. The feedback from the judges gave me the motivation to challenge myself this prep to come in the spring with improvements. The NPC has been an amazing experience. This is my LIFE and I’m doing what I love. I am so excited I have found the NPC to start a new chapter in my life as playing softball at Eastern Michigan University was a hard chapter to close.

When is it going to be your turn to step on stage? Go back into the NPC News Online site and check out the rules, contest schedules and more..Make it a reality! Go Now.

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