Angela Skeels

CONTEST DREAMING “In the gym, I always looked at all of the fitness magazines. I would look at Amanda Latona, definitely, and Ava Cowan, Jennifer Nicole Lee – these beautiful women were always so toned and had such a good image. That was something I looked up to and thought I could do as well. I really wanted to do a competition and put my abilities to the test.”

PLACING IN PERSPECTIVE “Not placing at the USAs was disappointing, but ultimately I couldn’t get mad ay myself. I didn’t get a placing, but I put my heart and soul into training and did what I could, so I can’t say that I failed. The thing that is so great about this sport is you take what you learn and apply it. If something doesn’t work, you take it and tweak it and move on. I didn’t dwell on it because I knew I would have another opportunity.”

SIXTH GEAR “I like to say I have a sixth gear that comes out when it needs to do – my overdrive. I wanted this more than anything and I truly gave 110 percent every single day for three months all the way up to Atlanta. It was something I focused on and didn’t let any outside distractions get in the way.”

FAMILY MATTERS “I’m making my pro debut in March at the MuscleContest [Bikini Championships] and I just can’t wait. I’m so excited, I am so ready for it to be here already. It’s close to home so it’s perfect for my family and friends to be a part of – that’s the main thing for me, to have everybody there. I’m really excited for them to see what I’ve accomplished and to see how important this is to me and for me to be in this amazing journey.”

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