Betty Vasquez



Contest History/Highlights 2012: California State Championships 1st and Overall; Jr. Nationals 1st Class B; 2011: Masters Nationals Figure 17th Class C; Nationals 12th Class A; 2010: USA Championships DNP Figure C; Nationals DNP Figure D; 2009: Los Angeles Championships 2nd Figure C, Masters Over 35 Figure 1st Short Class and Overall

(Go here for more photos of Betty Vasquez)

CHANGE OF HEART “I never liked exercise growing up. I did anything possible to avoid Physical Education. It was 7 years ago when I went to a gym for the very first time. Now, I am in the gym 7 days a week. Never imagined I would love exercise.”

WORK ETHIC “I come from a large family. My parents instilled in us to work hard and to always do our best and we would reap the rewards. A strong work ethic was important to my parents. I take that to the gym with me and also to the stage. I work hard in the gym – give it my all and enjoy every minute I have on stage.”

KEEPING A PROMISE “Seven years ago while living in Okinawa Japan, I discovered bodybuilding and hired a trainer to get me ready to compete in my first figure competition. My new meal plan excluded caffeine – at the time I was drinking about 1 pot of coffee daily. Long story short, I developed horrific headaches which led to an MRI of the brain. On my 33rd birthday a tumor was found on my cerebellum. Eight months later I was living in Arizona and had my brain tumor, named “Chuy” successfully removed. I made a promise to myself that if I came out of the surgery “okay,” I would finish what I had started. I competed for the first time in 2007 – and won my Pro Card in WPD this year at Jr Nationals in Chicago.”

ROLE MODEL “I first noticed Felicia Romero on the cover of Muscle & Fitness Hers magazine. I really liked her look and wanted to have amazing shoulders like her. It wasn’t until about 2 years into competing that I realized she also lived in Arizona. I had made the decision to “retire” from competing and I wanted to train for my last show with this person I had great admiration for. I will admit…I had her picture on my fridge! “

CHANGE IS GOOD “I love the discipline and structure involved with bodybuilding. Early morning cardio and eating clean makes me happy. Watching my body change as I get ready for a competition is so rewarding. I also enjoy meeting people that share the same passion I do for this amazing sport.”