Competition for Couples: NPC Figure Competitor Stephanie Tapia

Competition for Couples

By Stephanie Tapia

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Figure Competitor and Mental Coach

As a mental coach I can tell you that nothing tests or challenges a couple like getting ready for a competition.

Here is a little background on me. I’ve been a figure competitor for six years and recently I’ve starting doing CrossFit competitions. Though my husband is not a bodybuilder, he is supportive, despite his insistence that we [figure competitors] are crazy for doing all that what we do. His passion lays with a different discipline, the sport of Jiu Jit Su.

I have had ups and plenty of downs – in my last relationship I was the only one concerned with living a fit life. As I moved forward with my life, I vowed to find someone who shared my passion and appreciation for fitness. I succeeded: I am now married to my proverbial SWOLEMATE. Even after all our years together, I believe it was an act of God that I found him, the perfect match for me someone who loves working out more than I do.

My point in sharing this is to tell you that all relationships face unique challenges, and if you are a fit couple who wishes to take your love of fitness to the next level, competition, you will need to EQUIP yourself with the following tips to keep the peace and harmony in your home as the competition gets fierce and the testosterone levels rise:

By the way, Martin and I usually take turns prepping for a competition. With two kids and thriving careers, we practically have no other choice. As my prep season can last up to five months they are bound to overlap at some point

EQUIP Yourself with Five Tips for Competition Couples

Equality – competition isn’t your only responsibility. Share the workload at home, don’t leave it all to him/her.

Quality – spend quality time together. Schedule date night. You don’t skip training, so don’t skip date night.

Uplift – praise each other more than you are used to. Criticism is deconstructive so leave it at the door.

I Love You – say it more often. Your spouse is adjusting his/her routine for you and he/she should feel loved.

Plan – schedule your trainings in advance to avoid the dreaded schedule conflicts.

About Stephanie Tapia
Stephanie Tapia MBA, PHR is a life coach and professional development trainer. Through her health and wellness organization, Strength of Body & Mind, Stephanie helps people grow into thriving athletes, business professionals, and overall strong and healthy individuals. She is a certified CrossFit trainer, nutritionist, and mental coach. To connect with Stephanie for individual consultations or group presentations, please contact