Kai Greene Out of Olympia! Olympia Promoter Interview.

Read the exclusive interview with Olympia promoter Robin Chang on why the Predator is not doing the O from FlexOnline.com









September 14, 2015

You’ve probably heard by now and yes, it’s true: Kai Greene is not competing in the 2015 Mr. Olympia. All outward appearances pointed to Greene, the runner-up the past three years, taking another shot at the Sandow. But in an online video released earlier today, Greene said he was “not going to be allowed to compete.”  A tearful Greene went on, explaining that, “There’s just more going on behind-the-scenes than I am at liberty to say.”  Perplexing, to say the least! Greene gave no concrete reason in his over 9-minute video, so FLEX reached out to Olympia promoter Robin Chang to see if he could shed some light on the Kai situation. Here’s what he had to say.

FLEX: Let’s get right to the point: is Kai Greene banned/prohibited from competing in the 2015 Mr. Olympia?

Robin Chang: Not at all!  Kai has had his Olympia contract since April but refused to sign it for reasons known only to Kai. This is the same contract Kai has signed for the past 6 years. Nothing has changed but the dates. If he was banned from competing, why would we send him the contract?  I’ve even heard he said he was banned from the expo!  Are you kidding me?
