Lequida Sanders


It likely seemed an odd thing to say at the time, with a then-12-year-old Lequida Sanders weighing in at 100 pounds dripping wet. But it was said anyway.

“My grandma used to tell me I had muscles,” Sanders said. “So I said, ‘Ok, I have muscles, I’m gonna compete one day.’”

That day didn’t come until Sanders was 33 years old, three years after she had given birth to a daughter of her own.

“I actually started training with weights when I was 25 years old,” Sanders says. “But when I had my daughter, I ballooned up to 180 pounds. When I got to 180, I told my husband I was gonna do something about it.”

She certainly did. Since 2008, Sanders has competed in at least one contest a year, never finishing out of the top five – a streak that includes two appearances at the Junior Nationals.

Most recently, Sanders won the Middleweight and Overall at the Panhandle Showdown, setting her up for another run at the Junior Nationals in June.

CONTEST HISTORY: 2008: Southern Classic, 1st Light Heavyweight and Overall; Mississippi State Championships, 1st Light Heavyweight and Overall; 2009: Jr. Nationals, 5th Light Heavyweight; 2010: Mississippi State Championsips, 1st Light Heavyweight and Overall; 2011: Southern Classic, 1st Light Heavyweight and Overall; Jr. USAs, 4th Light Heavyweight; 2012: Panhandle Showdown, 1st Light Heavyweight and Overall

ATHLETIC BACKGROUND: “I was a track star and I’ve been playing softball all my life.”

OCCUPATION: Gym Owner and Personal Trainer

PHYSIQUE ROLE MODELS/INFLUENCES: Lenda Murray. “She was what I wanted to be, when I saw her I wanted to have muscles and be beautiful. I said, ‘One day I’m gonna be that lady.’ I’m not Lenda Murray but I’m still working on it!”

PIECE OF EQUIPMENT MY GYM MUST HAVE: “Has to have that stepmill.”

FAVORITE MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE: “Start today for a healthy tomorrow. And I always end it with ‘Have a fit and fabulous day!’”

WHAT’S NEXT: Jr. Nationals on June 15-16

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