MusclePharm Launch At Muscle Beach: Arnold Series

Venice, Ca. Photos From The launch Of The New Arnold Series/MusclePharm
exclusive line of  nutritional supplements.

Here are some candid photos from the launch of the new Arnold Series, an exclusive line of new nutritional supplements developed by Schwarzenegger and MusclePharm. The event  took place in legendary Muscle Beach, Ca., the old stomping grounds of  Arnold the 7-time Mr.Olympia. The very talented actor Tom Arnold hosted the event that was enjoyed by a huge crowd! MusclePharm President Cory Gregory was in attendance, obviously practicing what he preaches. Check out his physique! If you haven’t seen the new MusclePharm Arnold Series then Click here.

MusclePharm President Cory Gregory. Follow @MusclePharmPres


CT Fletcher with MusclePharm President Cory Gregory. Follow @MusclePharmPres




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