NPC April 2013 Athlete of the Month Profiles: Bikini, Figure & Fitness

Recent Accomplishment – Texas Shredder Classic Fitness Winner

Height 5’5”
Contest Weight 117
Residence Houston, Texas
NPC Contest History/Highlights 2013 Texas Shredder Classic 1st Teen Figure, 1st Fitness Open Class; Ronnie Coleman Classic 1st Teen Figure 1st Teen Fitness Jr. USA 2nd Place Class B; 2012 Buffalo Championships 3rd Figure Over 5’5

TRICKED OUT “As a young child, I played softball, gymnastics, did karate, and all kinds of dance. Gymnastics was the sport that stuck with me over the years. I loved to perform my “tricks” everywhere.”

STARTING OUT “After high school, I started working at World Gym, as a receptionist. I worked out all the time, doing mostly cardio. I did not really know how to structure a workout plan or use most of the machines for that matter. I maintained my gymnastics muscle. I then trained harder than ever and learned how to follow a structured meal plan and weight training schedule.”

CHANGE IS GOOD “A friend/ co- worker suggested to me one day that I should compete. I didn’t know too much about this, but he explained it to me, and I decided it sounded like a good idea. I started seeing changes in my body that I never thought would be possible and I loved it! I competed in my hometown at the time in the NPC Mr. Ms. Buffalo Competition and I placed 3rd in Figure Open. I love showing off all of my hard work, not only with my physique, but with my gymnastics skills and personality through my routine.”

FAMILY FITNESS “I have three brothers, or bodyguards. All three of them are into health and fitness. My parents got us involved in numerous sports when we were little and raised us to be athletic, healthy kids. All three of my brothers are good at all sports, but mostly hockey. My dad is a well-known basketball and baseball player, and mom has been taking us to the gym with her since we were in diapers. Mom is also a chef, and she has always prepared healthy food for us growing up.”

PASSIONATE PERFORMER “Ever since I can remember, this has been a lifestyle. I can remember doing flips in my front lawn until the sun went down, and riding my bike to and from gymnastics practices when I didn’t have a ride. I would perform for anyone who wanted to watch, all the way up until high school. The fans would count the number of back- handsprings I could do down the football field. I love what I do and I am so happy I found my passion.”