Today’s NPC Athlete Spotlight is Danitza Freigher NPC Figure Competitor

Division: NPC Figure

Age: 38

Height: 5’2

I never thought I would be able to get into shape after college! I had gained so much weight while in school and it seemed to be impossible to lose. Finally, when I reached 160 pounds, I made a goal for myself. Not only to lose the weight I had gained, but to one day compete in a figure competition. I went right to the best, NPC. I competed in my NPC Figure Competition in 2003 and have continued competing ever since. Thanks to my trainer, Kim  Oddo, who helped me reach my goals and not only lose the weight I had gained, but helped transform my body into that of a figure competitor. Before working with Kim, I had no idea what I was doing or how to prep for a show. Competing in the NPC helped me believe in myself and what I can accomplish through consistent hard work, determination and proper nutrition. It’s a constant work in progress, but I feel as though now ….I will be forever fit!

Competing in the NPC is especially important to me now because I have 2 young daughters and I really want to be a strong, positive, role model for them. Kids can be cruel and I want to instill in my daughters the belief that they can accomplish anything they set their mind to. They love seeing me compete and they are very aware when mommy sets a goal, she WILL accomplish it. That’s what I hope they carry with them through their whole life. I want to be a positive example to them throughout their life and teach them the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.

My main focus in life has always been my daughters but I continue to add small goals to my plate every year. After each pregnancy I made sure to give myself ample rest and recovery time and then get right back into competing. I keep active within the NPC and try to compete annually. Goal setting is important for me and them! Here is a list of my competition history with the NPC:

Muscle Contest 13’ – 1st Masters Figure A, 3rd Open Figure A
Excalibur 11′ – 2nd Place Class A
Muscle Contest 10′ – 1 Place Class A, 3rs Place Masters A
OC Classic 09′ – 1st Place Class A, 1st Place and Overall Masters A
Contra Costa 09′ – 3rd Place Masters Class A, 6th Place Open Class A
OC Classic 07′ – 2ns Place Class A – San Diego 07′ – 3rd Place Class A
Sac Show 05′- 4th Place Class A – World Gym 05′ – 2nd Place Class A
Contra Costa 04′ – 4th Place Class A – O.C. Classic 04′ – 3rd Place Class A
L.A. Figure 03′- 2nd Place Class A
NPC Bodyrock Figure 03′ – 10th Class A

When is it going to be your turn to step on stage? Go back into the NPC News Online site and check out the rules, contest schedules and more..Make it a reality! Go Now.

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