NPC Figure Athlete Tarryn Garlington Gallery and Bio

Brief Q&A with Tarryn Garlington:
Photos shot and courtesy of John Hawley

Contest history and most memorable show experience.

I competed in my very first show this past fall at the Gainesville Classic 2014, promoted by Tony Curtis.  Because it was my first show, it will always hold sentimental value in my life.  My most memorable moment during that show was most definitely my win(s).  I entered the show only wanting to achieve my goal of competing in a figure competition.  I didn’t know what to expect, and was unsure of the success of my contest prep.  I have a wonderful coach, but it really took some convincing on her part to reassure me that I was progressing just as I should, if not better than she expected.  As a true testament to her sound judgment, I brought home 1st Place Figure Class A, Figure Open Overall Winner, 1st Place Master’s Figure, and Master’s Figure Overall Winner.  With the exception of the birth of my son, that was one of the most exciting experiences of my life.

What motivates and or inspires you to workout, diet and compete in fitness? Which part do you have the most difficulty with?

I wanted to excel at something outside of the norm.  Something outside of the typical everyday American success story of buying a house, having a family, and obtaining a successful career, all of which I have already achieved.   I wanted to have the ability to show my son that regardless of how big, small or outrageous the goal, it can be achieved.  Once I began the journey, I became inspired by some of the greats in this sport.  Figure legends such as Nicole Wilkins, and more recently Candice Lewis, provided excellent examples of where any figure competitor could aspire to be, both on and off the stage.  As far as what was most difficult, I believe anyone will tell you that the most difficult aspect of competition prep is battling cravings! Cookies are the devil.

What goals do you have in the sport and do they relate to the rest of your life?

I have already achieved my ultimate goal in this sport and that was to simply compete in a figure competition.  Going forward, my only goal is to get on that stage and have fun.  No worries and no pressure, just pure enjoyment for what we do, coupled with the respect that I have for everyone that has the willpower to do what it takes to set foot on the competition stage.