NPC March 2013 Athlete of the Month Profiles: Bikini, Figure & Fitness

Nicole Kupser, Pamela Snyder and Kristine Duba have been named the November NPC Athletes of the Month in Bikini, Figure and Fitness. Check out their full profiles below!

Recent Accomplishment: San Diego Championships 1st Class C and Overall

Age 31
Height 5’6
Weight 127
Residence Scottsdale, Arizona
Contest History 2013: San Diego Championships 1st Class C and Overall; Arizona State Championships 1st Class and Overall

RUNNING START “I started at working out seriously in 2007 but back then my main focus was running. But I didn’t like what was it was doing to my body, so started lifting light. After a lot of reading and working on my new goals middle of 2011 with more of a weight lifting focus. Because I like the way it changes the body I like the growth you can make setting new goals, reaching for them and being able to lift a heavier weight that you couldn’t last week.”

SCHOOL DAYS “I was an elementary teacher school for six years and just switched to an educational consultant. I actually left teaching because I always wanted to compete and I thought to myself, ‘No way I can eat and train and give that much devotion to it as a teacher’. My job now is a 9 to 5 job, but I have that flexibility. It allows me to train and at when needed and everything else that goes into it.”

ENJOY THE JOURNEY “I like the journey, I like the way there. I have a lot friends who complain that this is so hard, but like the organization of having meal plan and my workout plan all laid out.”

COMING TOGETHER “I was definitely nervous competing for the first time, but you also fee that rush of excitement. It’s a good feeling, being proud of all of the hard work you put in and having everything come together. Being on stage was great.”

GROWTH PHASE “My goals are to continue to improve on my physique. Being new to competing, I know I need to keep working at it. I plan on competing again this year, I’m just trying to figure out where to go from here. I qualified for Nationals, but I’m still trying to decide if I should get more stage experience. I know there’s not really a ‘Done’ – I will always have new goals and a new direction I’m working towards. I just want to continuously grow, whether it’s my muscles or my knowledge or my experience.”

Go to page 2 to see Pamela Snyder’s profile!