NPC News Online Photo Gallery: Charise Parker – Women’s Physique competitor

Charise Parker; Women’s Physique competitor at 2014 NPC Nationals where we conducted this photoshoot in Miami Beach, Florida. It was her first appearance on the national stage after competing in other divisions.  Parker lives in Melbourne, Florida.

…Check out Charise‘s contest galleries here…

Here is a bit of her story.

What prompted the switch from figure to physique?
What I loved most about competing in Women’s Bodybuilding was being able to flex and show off my hard-earned muscles on stage.  I also loved being the “tough” chick at the gym, lifting the “big boy” weights.  But I was drawn to Figure because I appreciated the beauty and glamour of the athletes in this division.  I saw Physique as the perfect blending of musculature and beauty, so it was an easy decision for me.  In addition, what Dana Linn Bailey achieved in blazing the trail for Women’s Physique athletes only further inspired me to switch to this Division.  She is an amazing ambassador for this sport and I very much admire her hardcore work ethic in the gym.

Are you happy with the switch and how has it been different for you in the gym and kitchen?
I could not be happier with the switch!  I love being able to lift heavy and intensely without worrying about getting too muscular.  As a Physique athlete I don’t have to hold myself back in the weight room.  I also enjoy the fact that I get away with less cardio during my building phase!  Not much has changed in the kitchen except that I eat slightly more calories than I did as a Figure athlete.  But even during the off-season, my diet consists of clean “bodybuilding” foods with the exception of an occasional cheat meal.  I think of food as fuel; therefore I choose to eat healthy foods all year round to maximize my efforts in the gym.

What keeps you motivated to workout, diet and compete?
I absolutely LOVE to train!  I need no external motivation to workout.  In fact, wild horses could not keep me from the gym!  I would not consider the way I eat as a “diet,” but rather as a lifestyle.  I love healthy foods because they make me feel far better than junk foods (which actually hurt my digestive system and make me wish I did not eat them in the first place). As far as competition goes, I would train and eat healthy even if I never set foot on a stage again.  I am a bodybuilder, and this is what I do.

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