View From the Judges: NY Pro Men’s Physique

The New York Pro post-contest coverage continues! IFBB Pro League Chairman and New York Pro Head Judge Jim Manion breaks down the top three and the lineup as a whole in the Men’s Physique Division.

(Related: New York Pro Final Report)



“He looked very good again. He’s a little smaller than some of the other guys but some of the other guys are getting too big and that’s why they’re getting scored down. He’s got that Florida look, a real good, natural-looking physique. To his credit he’s going against some younger guys and more than holding his own. A very good outing for Eddie at this show.”

(See all of Eddie Baird’s photos here)










“The last two shows he was in he ran into Mark Anthony Wingson, but he probably would have won them both if Mark wasn’t competing. He’s got big shoulders and a great taper. I’m sure he’ll keep pushing Mark because he was right on his heels. If he had won I don’t think anyone would have complained.”

(See all of Collin Humphrey’s photos here)












“His stage presence is second to none. The little things he does when he walks out on stage – not with arrogance, he does it with class – the turns he does are so professional compared to the other guys. I don’t know if he comes from a modeling background, but he looks very comfortable on stage. He’s very good and obviously has set the standard for Men’s Physique right now. But can’t get any bigger, he’s right on that line right now.”

(See all of Mark Anthony Wingson’s photos here)







“Not a large number of competitors compared to some of the other divisions, but we had 9 or 10 good, quality guys. Some of the guys are right on the edge of getting a little too big and have to tone it down a bit. We want to keep this an attainable look. We already have a bodybuilding division, we’re not looking for another one.”